Mittwoch, 15. April 2009

BBC airs its first Creative Commons licensed TV show

This comes via BoingBoing's Cory Doctorow: The Beeb is airing (or should one say: releasing) a CC-TV show, where CC stands for Creative Commons.

Show can be downloaded via FTP, where there are .ogg, Quicktime and Flash versions for your viewing pleasure. I don't know yet whether the show is any good (but I'm certainly going to find out), but the idea certainly is!

Thing was announced and can be reached via the BBC's backstage blog. So now, go spread the news and enjoy....

P.S. On a similar note: there is a brilliant talk by Professor James Boyle about public domain / commons to be found on the U-Channel. To quote the site:
In his new book The Public Domain, Professor James Boyle describes how our culture, science and economic welfare all depend on the delicate balance between those ideas that are controlled and those that are free, between intellectual property and the public domain —the realm of material that everyone is free to use and share without permission or fee.